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Partly cloudy skies. Low 63F. Winds light and variable..
Partly cloudy skies. Low 63F. Winds light and variable.
Towanda Municipal Authority members at their Monday meeting discussed how sewer pumps are being clogged due to items being flushed that claim to be flushable or disposable.
Towanda Municipal Authority members at their Monday meeting discussed how sewer pumps are being clogged due to items being flushed that claim to be flushable or disposable.
TOWANDA — Towanda Municipal Authority members are asking residents to stop using so-called ‘flushable’ wipes because the products are ironically clogging the sewer system.
Towanda Borough Manager Lauren Egleston stated that municipal workers have been busy trying to unclog pumps that have been jammed with the items.
“Disposable wipes continue to be a problem,” Egleston said. “I know [workers] have been going to pump stations regularly, nonstop almost because of these flushable wipes, so please stop using them.”
Borough Water & Sewer Superintendent Chad Strickland stated that municipal sewer Pumps Four, Five and Eight are the most clogged recently due to the items.
Products labeled as flushable wipes that are ruining sewer systems have been an issue in the commonwealth for years now. In April 2020, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection released a statement telling residents to only flush toilet paper, instead of the wipes.
“Flushing things that aren’t meant to be flushed can damage your own sewer pipes as well as the sewer treatment facilities that we all depend on,” said Pennsylvania DEP Secretary Patrick McDonnell. “Even so-called ‘flushable’ wipes shouldn’t be put in the toilet.”
The Pennsylvania American Waterworks Association also stresses that items such as “tissues, paper towels, and single-use wipes, including cleansing and diaper wipes” do not flush even if labels claim that they are “flushable” or “biodegradable,” according to the organization’s website.
“These products do not break down like toilet paper and can clog systems very quickly,” the website adds.
Strickland and other TMA members stated that they will look into possible solutions to address the issue further.
Connect with Philip: (570) 265-2151 ext. 1627;
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