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This summer's blistering heat has posed some serious challenges for all of us. Normally you can find me outside enjoying the sunshine, but with this crippling heat wave, I've been stuck in my apartment sitting 3 feet from the AC — and I know I'm not alone. Across the country, millions are struggling to find a way to stay cool. In fact, just this week, Real Housewives star Sonja Morgan posted a selfie in 108-degree heat sporting a big sun hat along with one surprising, temperature-regulating accessory: A cooling towel.
A 2019 study in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sports about reducing thermal stress in football players found that using an ice towel between bouts of exercise could reduce the athlete's core temperature more effectively than applying cold water. In other words, cooling cloths not only make you feel colder, but can actually lower your inner body temperature. (BTW: These are the eight best cooling sheets for hot sleepers)
While there are currently hundreds of ice towels for sale, nearly 10,000 Amazon shoppers approve of the best-selling Sukeen Cooling Towels. Made from breathable mesh, the 12- by 40-inch towels can be placed over the neck, head, or anywhere on the body for instant cooling relief. After being thoroughly soaked in water, each ultra-absorbent cloth in this four-pack set remains cool for up to three hours, per the brand. Best of all, reviewers declare that they "really work."
Buy It: Sukeen Cooling Towels, $20, amazon.com
"We could not have survived Disney World without these handy dandy "Chilly" towels," wrote one shopper, noting that it kept them "cool all day." Another person who says they're "always running warm" noted that they "don't even break a sweat," while using the towels. "These took your temperature down immediately," raved a third user who added that they're "worth every penny."
If you're constantly in search of cool comfort ( and TBH, who isn't right now?) these convenient portable ice towels are worth a go. Shop them on Amazon for just $20 a set.