September is the time to throw on your favorite windbreaker and take part in fun outdoor activities like camping and hiking. But if you’re planning on spending time outdoors trekking through various terrains and inclement weather, you’re going to need shoes that can stand up to the mission.
That’s where a pair of waterproof hiking boots comes in handy. Not only do hiking shoes offer durability and comfort, but waterproof hiking boots will also keep your feet dry and protected in wet environments. From Timberland’s waterproof leather boot to Salomon’s shoe made with Gore-Tex, a special water- and wind-proof fabric, there are multiple waterproof footwear options for your next hiking trip. Plus, if you want to explore switchbacks in style, they even come in numerous color options and aren’t super bulky.
Below, we rounded up 5 waterproof hiking boots that reviewers swear by for water-logged adventures.
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