BioWare has announced that 7.1a will be coming on Thursday, August 11th. It fixes most of the biggest issues that came with 7.1.
The bugs that allowed IP-CPT to fall through the floor and prevent players from defeating Soa have supposedly been fixed. I am quite skeptical if the issue with IP-CPT has truly been fixed though because it’s practically guaranteed to occur on the first pull because the boss starts out floating. It’s much rarer on subsequent wipes as the patch notes mention.
Either way, the issue is not unique to IP-CPT as it happens with most bosses that have some sort of entrance leap in animation including the Kell Dragon, Dread Master Tyrans, Soa, and presumably the bulls in the Red / Pack Leader fight in Dxun. It would be nice if BioWare could address the root cause of these issues instead.
I’m glad that BioWare has correctly identified and moved quickly to solve the biggest bugs with Patch 7.1, though it is a bit depressing that most of these made it into the live game at all. The worst offender here was the fact that they forgot to have the missions reward endgame currencies for their brand new daily area on Manaan.
That said, I could live with most of these bugs for a week and a half. The biggest thing BioWare really needs to pay much closer attention to are the story cutscene bugs since that type of content gets consumed so quickly and isn’t nearly as repeatable.
It’s completely unacceptable to still see naked characters, *cough* Zenith *cough*, or ones that I prevented from living, show up when they clearly aren’t supposed to be there.
Patch notes for SWTOR 7.1a are sourced from
SWTOR Update 7.1a is set to release tomorrow, Thursday, August 11th 2022, following the usual maintenance from 13:00 to 15:00 UTC.
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