Drag Race UK has finally released the first trailer for season 4 and fans are already claiming it’s better than last year’s “hot mess”.
With season 4 just on the horizon and no cast teasers, viewers are raring to go for any Drag Race hints.
The show has finally dropped the first promo and although there isn’t much hint, fans are already freaking out over the glitter and vogue-worthy track.
“Bring it to the runw4y!” is this year’s catchphrase as a new batch of queens take to the stage to perform their best impressions, lip-syncs, and model sashays.
At only 10 seconds long, the clip isn’t giving what we wanted it to, but it’s certainly hyped Twitter up for more drama and loud personalities.
Bring it to the runw4y! 🌟 #DragRaceUK pic.twitter.com/Fguk5m5tbf
“This 10-second clip already wipes the floor with that hot mess season 3 promo,” a fan praised.
SCREAMING, CRYING, THROWING UP pic.twitter.com/7hsdK4G6e6
However, one Redditor responded with the sassiest insult we’ve ever seen. “I really don’t want to read too much into that short clip, but it is giving me ‘H&M Spring 2014 Sale’ – how oddly specific.
Others just weren’t impressed by the lack of reveals; “We’ve been waiting this long for 10 seconds this is painful,” a Twitter user complained, but they’re still “excited at the same time.”
Before another responded with this classic BBC soap meme:
The official cast has yet to be revealed, but the following 12 queens are rumoured to strut their stuff as they’ve been inactive on social media between February and April, the show’s filming period. Drag Race recording reportedly lasts just four weeks.
According to judge Graham Norton, they’re “some of the best queens we’ve ever seen” since dressmakers halted production during the pandemic.
“I think it was really hard during COVID, so this is definitely a post-COVID season and it’s great,” he revealed. “You can look forward to it. You don’t need to worry!”
Season 4 is expected to hit BBC Three in September 2022.