RFA infographic explains analysis of 50 major blockages in the UK. The primary culprits include baby wipes, surface wipes, material/clothing, feminine hygiene products, and cosmetic wipes.
The Responsible Flushing Alliance (RFA) is a non-profit association dedicated to providing consumers with educational materials about what should and should not be flushed as well as sharing information regarding why it is so important to follow smart flushing practices.
Today RFA, as part of its mission, released an infographic that explains the forensic analysis report taken from 50 major blockages in the United Kingdom. The findings reveal the primary culprits of the massive clogs, including baby wipes, surface wipes, material/clothing, feminine hygiene products, and cosmetic wipes. The largest portion of the overall blockages was from an unidentified mass of wipes and baby wipes, which accounted for up to 87 percent of the overall items. Flushable wipes represented just 1 percent of the overall wipes found in the clogs.
The discoveries of fatbergs in London and other parts of the U.K.’s sewers have put a costly toll on wastewater management systems. In fact, Thames Water said it spent the equivalent of $21 million a year removing 75,000 blockages. This has placed a high alert on finding the main cause of these monstrous clogs and taking a closer look at what is actually being flushed down the toilets across the city.
London’s sewer system was first completed in 1875 and has approximately 1,100 miles of sewer mains and pipes. According to the Museum of London, the system was originally intended to support a population of around 2 million and required 318 million bricks to build. Today, with a population of nearly 9 million, it’s even more important than ever for people to think before they flush.
The Responsible Flushing Alliance’s infographic can be found on the website’s Education tab: https://www.flushsmart.org/resources/. And click here to see the full report, “Wipes in Sewer Blockage Study” by Water UK.
Not all wipes are Equal
“It’s worth recognizing what kind of wipes are causing clogs, such as non-flushable baby and cleaning wipes versus flushable toilet wipes,” said Lara Wyss, president of RFA. “Wipes with the ‘Do Not Flush’ symbol prominently on the front of packaging indicates that these types of wipes are not meant to break down in water as they are made with long, often synthetic fibers, that are created to be durable for a variety of cleaning needs.”
Simply check for the “Do Not Flush” symbol on packaging to see if wipes are flushable or not, and if it’s non-flushable, toss it in the trash instead of the toilet. Here is a list of common household items that should never be flushed:
Wipes labeled as flushable are made with short, all-natural fibers that are designed to gently wipe and disintegrate in water, like toilet paper. Flushable or sewer/septic safe wipes undergo rigorous testing based on flushability standards created by the nonwovens industry and/or standards created by international wastewater agencies.
Under the streets of London as well as cities around the United States, lives a monster growing with every non-flushable item being flushed down the toilets. It’s time to stop feeding the Clog Monster and start getting #FlushSmart about what we send down the drain.
About Responsible Flushing Alliance The Responsible Flushing Alliance (RFA) is a 501(c)(6) non-profit organization dedicated to consumer education focused on what not to flush. RFA’s goal is to change consumer behavior to help reduce damage to our nation’s sewage systems caused by objects and materials not designed to be flushed. For more information, visit https://flushsmart.org or on Facebook and Twitter.
Supporting Members of the Responsible Flushing Alliance
Albaad Inc.; ANDRITZ Group – Nonwoven Division; California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA); The Center for Baby & Adult Hygiene Products (BAHP); Clorox; Dukal, LLC.; DUDE Products; Essity; First Quality; GOJO; Johnson & Johnson; Glatfelter; H20 Global News; Kelheim Fibres GmbH; Kimberly-Clark; National Stewardship Action Council (NSAC); National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA); Nehemiah Manufacturing; Nice-Pak and PDI; Papel Aralar S.A.; Procter & Gamble; Reckitt; Rockline Industries; Sellers Nonwovens; Spartan Chemical; Suominen Corporation; and the Toilet Board Coalition.
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