The University of Kentucky has been testing personal protective equipment for 35 years and the COVID pandemic only increased that demand to ensure performance meets required standards. The textile testing laboratory is where students can get hands-on experience that will help them with their f
Report Ocean published the latest research report on the Hospital Gowns market. In order to comprehend a market holistically, a variety of factors must be evaluated, including demographics, business cycles, and microeconomic requirements that pertain precisely to the market under
Zara Pythian: who is Doctor Strange star - what sex offences have she and husband been convicted of?
Mum warns of ‘chroming’ trend after teen, 16, died on bedroom floor with deodorant tin in hand
Boots, which is one of the biggest sellers of wet wipes in the UK, has said it wi
For the second time, the standards-setting board for the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (“Cal/OSHA”) has readopted, with revisions, the agency’s COVID-19 Prevention Emergency Temporary Standards (“ETS”). The revised ETS become effective on January 14, 2022
Hurtubise may have been the only person on Earth to think that taking on this would be a good idea. Image Credit: Scott E Read/
When people think of fighting bears, generally they may think of lying down and covering their vitals while desperately hoping not to get mau
Improved shielding can lead help limit radiation exposure among endovascular aortic repair (EVAR) operators, according to a new analysis published in the European Journal of Vascular & Endovascular Surgery.[1]
The study’s authors noted that wearing only personal protective equipm
Contributed DONATIONS — Second-graders at Hills Elementary School presented 200 cancer care packages to representatives of the Tony Teramana Cancer Center to distribute to patients undergoing chemotherapy. Among those on hand were, from left, Marsha Lewis, Denise Mannarino and Catherine Polu
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Summer is the season of crunch and brunch. For those of us that love to HIIT a hard workout first thing on the weekend and follow it with brunch, we need a few items in our bags to freshen up.
Wipeys is a line of biodegr
A trader from Delhi told Fibre2Fashion that garment units were producing at very limited scale for the domestic market, and export demand is even more uncertain. “Exporters were not getting foreign orders due to current uncertain scenario. Shortage of containers is also another challenge
The average woman's breast size can change throughout the month because of slight weight changes, water retention, hormonal shifts and more, meaning even a good bra can begin digging and gaping practically overnight. Bodify addresses this and other common bra fit issues using patent-p