I believe we are in the second round of what they call the “dog days” of summer. According to Webster (which today’s students don’t use) “dog days” occurred about the time Sirius appears to rise alongside the sun and usually in July. The Greeks and Romans believed the heat from the two stars combined is what made these the hottest days of the summer. Whether that is true or not, we have had an unusually hot and humid summer in Central Ohio.
The heat is extremely dangerous for older adults. Most know they should drink lots of water to keep hydrated but don’t. And for most they will say it is because they have to get up too frequently to use the bathroom. I understand that reasoning also, but when your skin begins to look flaky and more wrinkly than normal, you need hydrated.
There are drinks available with electrolytes, which help replace minerals in your body that could help such as Gatorade or Body Armor and they come in different flavors. There is also an instant liquid IV you add to a bottle of water and comes in flavors packed with protein, vitamins, potassium and more.
As you check on your elderly family or friends, take a supplemental hydrator with you and watch to see they drink it. This could save a trip to ER where they would more than likely be hooked up for an IV to rehydrate them.
And don’t forget yourself and your children.
I see the Marion Palace Theater is having "An Evening with Friends" on Aug 20. This cabaret-type event is a fundraiser for the Palace and Pelotonia. It features all local talent and an opportunity to see some of Marion’s finest performers in one evening.
The popular Concerts in McKinley Park continue with tonight’s concert featuring the Marion Palace Theatre Big Band with local vocalists Ann Schertzer and John Garnes. The concert begins at 7 p.m. and is free. However, there are donation receptacles to help cover expenses for visiting bands and groups. Take a chair or blanket and enjoy.
In my opinion, Marion has a boatload of musical talent that is showcased both at the concerts in the park and at the Palace Theatre.
It is hard to believe school will be starting in just a few weeks. Hats off to the schools who now have air conditioning. I believe kids learn better in a more comfortable environment.
When I went to school, our air conditioning was whatever little breeze might come in through opened windows along with flies and other flying creatures.
COVID is on the rise again all across the country. Please be cautious in large crowds. I will be the one wearing a mask. Although I don’t like them, I wear one to protect myself and those around me. I carry hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes in my purse. I use the wipes to wipe door handles if I am going into a store or office — it makes me feel safer.
Let me leave you with this quotation by Jason Ponzio: “Giving is not just in money either. We can give unconditional love; we can give mercy, our prayers, our talents and services.”
Until next week. Check on your elderly family, neighbors and be safe.
Brenda Donegan is a former Marion Star staffer. She may be reached at brendadonegan55@gmail.com.