The movie leaves out the comics' inter-species romance and super-pet abuse, for some reason.
The ultimate cage match between Tonight Show hosts.
See the hot days off with these.
And why even if you could, you probably shouldn't.
Someone call Chewbacca’s agent.
This piece was written by the Cracked Shop to tell you about products that are being sold there.
Do you ever look at those pictures of adult skincare problems? You know which ones we mean. Those shots of people begrudgingly showing off their wrinkles, under eye bags, eczema, hives, cold sores, or just plain old acne. What do you start to notice upon closer examination? Sure, it's unsettling to see, but really dig in with your eyes and see if you can spot the common denominator in a number of those pictures.
Figured it out yet? From our casual study of every splotch, scrab, bump, discoloration, or oozing pustule we could find, it seems many of those are pictures of a dude. Guys, you've just gotta do better. Geologie is one way to help start doing that immediately.
Geologie isn't just skincare products formulated for guys. It's skincare products developed for each person’s particular, unique skin needs. And if you don't think that level of customization makes a big difference, just ask the lady in your life about the time she had to use a girlfriend's makeup. Spoiler alert: It didn't end well.
With Geologie, jumping onboard doesn't take more than a handful of seconds. In fact, Geologie only asks folks to submit to a basic 30-second diagnostic quiz to get underway. And these are just questions about their current skincare regimen and the problems they'd like to address going forward, from knocking out blemishes to eliminating both oily and dry patches to even holding wrinkles at bay. Don’t worry -- you don’t have to have a clue what retinol is.
Geologie takes those results and turns them over to their team of skincare professionals, who construct highly efficient, real-ingredient products uniquely engineered to help you end your history of face-care flops once and for all. Shipped right to your door, you won’t have to lift a finger to get clearer, cleaner, more lustrous skin. Okay, you will have to literally lift a finger a few times, but it’s four products, guys. Get it together.
By spending two minutes cleaning up and preparing the face each morning, then another two minutes to clean and replenish the skin each night, guys can start seeing noticeable improvement in their skin within a handful of days. Among more than 5,700 glowing reviews on their website, Dylan wrote, "I've tried many different face care sets over the years, and this is by far the best. I had fairly oily skin, and this evened things out and cleared up the occasional acne I used to get."
Guys can start getting their skincare under control with a personalized trial set of Geologie skin products, all for as little as $20. And those ready to take the plunge with a 30-day subscription can save up to 40 percent off .
Prices are subject to change.
We've got your morning reading covered.
We're going to need some laughs -- STAT!
The CIA wanted to bomb the US disguised as Cuba so the US could go bomb Cuba.
Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and ... her?
Almost no murderers get Spike Lee joints written about them.
Calling anyone else "iconic" is disrespectful to Frank, really.
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