Delaware County Council has issued a Declaration of Heat Emergency on July 22 due to the ongoing heat wave affecting the region. Temperatures are forecasted to remain in the 90s with high humidity for the next several days.
Seniors, young children, or anyone with heart and lung conditions are advised to limit exposure outdoors. Please take the time to identify and check in on any at-risk or elderly loved ones and neighbors.
During periods of prolonged heat, the elderly and people with chronic health conditions are usually the first to be affected by the heat. The following are some preventative tips that can help residents cope with extreme heat:
Dress appropriately by wearing lightweight, light-colored, loose-fitting clothing.
Stay indoors in air-conditioned areas as much as possible. If you do not have air conditioning, you can seek relief for some part of the day at a local senior center, a mall, a library, and a movie theater, or visit family who have air conditioning.
If using a fan to keep cool, a window should be kept open to allow the hot air to escape.
Keep blinds and curtains drawn and spend as much time as possible on the first floor of the home.
Protect skin and eyes by using sunscreen and wearing a wide-brimmed hat or sunglasses when outdoors.
Drink plenty of water, even if you do not feel thirsty, to prevent dehydration. Avoid alcoholic and caffeinated beverages.
Take cool baths or showers. Cool water temperature cools your body 25 times faster than cool air.
If the following signs are experienced, you should call a doctor or seek medical help immediately: fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, dry skin, rapid heartbeat, and cramps.
As we experience the heat wave over the next few days, Council reminds residents of the County's Heat Plan, which includes additional tips and resources offered by the County to help vulnerable residents, particularly the elderly, stay safe during the summer season. The Heat Plan is available on the COSA website at
Seniors over the age of 60 are reminded that they are eligible to receive no-cost box fans by calling COSA at (610) 490-1300 during normal business hours, Mon.-Fri. from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., or through their local senior center. During this heat wave, seniors can also contact the County’s Health Department Wellness Line this Sat. and Sun., from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., at (484) 276-2100, to request a free box fan.
Residents who received LIHEAP funding over the winter are eligible to contact Community Action Agency of Delaware County (CAADC) by phone at (610) 521-8770 to request an air conditioner or fan. CAADC may also provide assistance with repairs to central air conditioning systems.
During extreme heat, individuals experiencing homelessness are at particular risk. If you see someone in need of shelter, please contact the Delaware County Human Services Outreach Team at (267) 671-4357.
The County’s 24-hour Emergency Heat Information Line is now active at (610) 872-1558 and will remain available to residents throughout the summer. The information line provides heat safety tips and reminders and emergency information. Note that residents should call 911 in the event of an emergency.
Questions about COVID-19 vaccines? Please call the Delaware County Health Department Wellness Line: 484-276-2100.
201 W. Front St. Media, PA 19063
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Delaware County, presently consisting of over 184 square miles divided into forty-nine municipalities is the oldest settled section of Pennsylvania.