As the U.S. health care system struggles with a dearth of beds and hospital space for the rising number of coronavirus-infected people, another type of shortage looms – basic protective equipment for workers.
USA TODAY reported Friday that stockpiles of medical supplies created for disaster use were not sufficiently funded, leaving storage facilities undersupplied with ventilators, respiratory masks and other personal protective equipment.
A U.S. Conference of Mayors survey of more than 200 cities in 41 states found that 88% said their safety and medical personnel lacked an adequate supply of personal protective equipment, or PPE.
In California, nurses protested outside Bay Area hospitals last week, pleading for medical supplies and PPE. The New England Journal of Medicine said Wednesday that a review of medical shortages found health care workers in Italy "experienced high rates of infection and death partly because of inadequate access to PPE."
Personal protective equipment – masks, goggles, gloves and gowns – shield medical workers against viral or bacterial infection from blood, body fluids, respiratory secretions and excretions from patients.
Though the eyes, nose and mouth require special protection, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says gloves and gowns are the most-used articles of PPE.
Gown: Isolation gowns are made from a variety of synthetic fabrics. They're mostly disposable or single-use versions in the USA.
Gloves: Medical gloves are disposable and usually made of natural rubber latex, polyvinyl chloride, nitrile or polyurethane.
N95 respirator: It reduces the wearer’s exposure to airborne particles, from small aerosols to large droplets.
Hair cover: It helps to maintain sterility in a work area and protects the worker's hair and scalp from contamination from airborne sprays or contaminates.
Face shields protect workers from contact with splashes and splatters of fluid-borne pathogens from patients. This is especially vital in close proximity.
Full face shield: These are designed to protect the entire face. Respirators are worn beneath.
Half-face respirator: These devices provide air filtration and allow the wearer to use goggles.
Synthetic suits are designed to prevent accidental transfer of viruses and bacteria to the wearer. They allow wearers to work and move freely among patients.
Full body suit: Usually made of a fluid- and air-resistant woven plastic fiber. The suit prevents exposure to body fluids and infectious agents, but it must be removed carefully to avoid contact with pathogens on the fabric. Other options include a hood built into the suit.
Powered air-purifying respirator (PAPR): This is used primarily by those working with very ill patients who need constant care for long periods of time. Health care workers can be in the patient's room up to 12 hours. The device uses a blower to pass contaminated air through a filter that delivers air free of contaminants or airborne particles.
The lack of protective gear has front-line health care providers worried. They fear getting infected by the patients they care for – then passing on the infection to their own families.
The Louisville Courier-Journal reported last week that governors across the USA were in bidding wars to obtain PPE. The equipment is not only difficult to find, it carries a high price when found.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said "we're savaging other states" as they all fight for fresh equipment, the Courier-Journal reported.
Demand for N95 masks could rise threefold to 56 million this year, according to a survey by Premier, a health care consulting company. About 86% of U.S. hospitals are worried about access to PPE, the company said.
SOURCE USA TODAY reporting; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; World Health Organization; WorkSafeBC; FDA; New England Journal of Medicine; MJH Life Sciences; The U.S. Conference of Mayors survey of 213 cities across 41 states and Puerto Rico, conducted March 20-24.