Fireplaces evoke feelings of coziness and nostalgia. They come in various architectural styles and materials depending on the region. Nowadays, the term “eco-friendly fireplace” has been coined. However, this begs the question, how environmentally friendly can a fireplace actually be? It depends on the type of fireplace and its fuel. By taking a look at some of the most common types of fireplaces, we can understand how eco-friendly they truly are.
Wood-burning fireplaces actually can be broken down into two groups: traditional (open) wood fireplaces and high-efficiency (closed) wood stoves.
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The first type of wood fireplace is the common open-air fireplace. These are not very efficient as much of the heat escapes through the chimney, requiring more wood. The traditional, open fireplaces also release lots of smoke into the atmosphere, including toxic particulate matter, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and volatile organic compounds. The greenhouse gases emitted by the smoke exacerbate climate change, as the gases worsen global warming by trapping solar heat in the atmosphere. Alongside their negative effects on the environment, the fine particles also impact human and animal health. The toxic substances impact key organs like the heart and lungs, which can lead to asthma and bronchitis.
On the other hand, high-efficiency wood stoves are safer for human and animal welfare. Because they are sealed they burn wood more efficiently, which consequently produces less smoke. The stoves are safer for humans and the environment compared to open-air fireplaces because there is less contact with toxic particles, VOCs and harmful gases. However, since they burn wood more efficiently than open-air fireplaces, they can be expensive to maintain.
One of the primary issues with wood fireplaces, regardless of their type, is that they require large quantities of wood. The wood’s source is a primary indicator of how environmentally friendly the fireplace will be. Some businesses sell locally-sourced wood acquired from dead trees, however, this is not always an option depending on location.
A lot of firewood is obtained from clear-cutting, as this allows for larger quantities and controlled-quality wood. These deforestation practices lead to habitat loss for species in the ecosystem and can result in degraded soil quality and desertification.
Gas fireplaces use fossil fuel gases, such as liquified petroleum or natural gas, to generate heat. These typically produce fewer emissions than open wood fireplaces and are more efficient, as they produce higher amounts of heat with less fuel.
However, their dependence on non-renewable fossil fuels for energy is the main reason why they are not sustainable. Natural gas and LP extraction from the ground is disruptive to flora and fauna. Furthermore, the emissions from gas fireplaces are high in carbon dioxide and methane (up to 95%). Just like wood fireplaces, these greenhouse gases threaten biodiversity and exacerbate global warming, which in turn leads to climate change.
Electric fireplaces sound great in theory because they do not require any fuel, do not produce off-gases and emissions and are 100% efficient since all the electrical energy is converted into heat. However, they do require substantial amounts of electricity to power them, especially over long periods. This can make them expensive to run and depending on the source of energy being used to power the fireplace, they can indirectly harm the environment.
For those that use renewable energy sources to power their homes, electric fireplaces are a useful, environmentally-friendly option. Yet, for those that obtain their electrical energy from fossil fuel-based power plants, the use of these fireplaces is indirectly detrimental to natural habitats and the atmosphere.
Pellet fireplaces are typically one of the more sustainable fireplaces because of their fuel source, high efficiency and low emissions. These fireplaces use pellets made from bio-based materials like agricultural waste, compressed sawdust, and even bamboo. By using recycled or easily-regenerated materials, these pellets do not contribute to deforestation, therefore protecting biodiversity.
Pellets have several advantages because of their production process. They are non-toxic and their minimal moisture content, which is about 8%, makes them more efficient to burn, especially when compared to common firewood which can have a moisture content ranging between 20-60%.
Because of this, pellet-fuel efficiency is typically between 75-90%. When pellets burn, their energy density is similar to that of coal. They also produce significantly less ash and smoke than coal or cordwood. This makes them a safer option, particularly for humans and animals in the vicinity. Pellets are also small and easier to store than firewood. They also do not harbor bacteria or fungi, giving them an infinite shelf life.
Some of the drawbacks of pellet fireplaces are that they are expensive to fuel and the stove requires more maintenance than other types of fireplaces for it to limit smoke and remain safe. Additionally, pellet stoves do require electrical power to operate the feeder and exhaust fans in the system. This way, they cannot be used during power outages unless backup power is available and may indirectly exacerbate harm to the environment if fossil fuel-based electricity is used to power them.
Bioethanol fireplaces run on ethanol from bio-based sources, including by-products of crops like sugarcane and corn. Because these plants grow quickly, they are considered renewable energy sources. Additionally, alcohols like bioethanol burn very efficiently, resulting in fireplaces that are almost 100% efficient. They also do not produce smoke or soot and therefore do not typically have chimneys to vent out emissions.
Some of the by-products of the fuel are water vapor and carbon dioxide. These are created by absorbing oxygen from the air in the space where the fireplace is located. Because of this, appropriate ventilation is necessary. In some more extreme instances where indoor air quality was compromised by pollutants, these bioethanol fireplaces were observed to produce toxic gases like carbon monoxide, which cause harm to human health. However, these risks can be mitigated by ensuring the stove door is sealed for a safer, controlled burn.
One of the main environmental arguments against bioethanol fuels has to do with agriculture. To make space to harvest fast-growing crops like sugarcane or corn, the land must be cleared. This in turn results in habitat loss and threatens biodiversity. Another con of bioethanol fireplaces is that fuel and maintenance costs can be expensive to maintain.
While none of the fireplaces mentioned above are the perfect heating solution, pellet and bioethanol fireplaces are still regarded as more sustainable than those of other types. Though they can be costly to power and maintain, their renewable fuel sources make them better choices for human health and environmental sustainability in the long run.
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Nowadays, the term "eco-friendly fireplace" has been coined. However, this begs the question, how environmentally friendly can a fireplace actually be?
Bioethanol fireplaces run on ethanol from bio-based sources, including by-products of crops like sugarcane and corn.
Wood-burning fireplaces actually can be broken down into two groups: traditional (open) wood fireplaces and high-efficiency (closed) wood stoves.
Pellet fireplaces are typically one of the more sustainable fireplaces because of their fuel source, high efficiency and low emissions.