Photo courtesy of A&E Ballroom
Photo courtesy of A&E Ballroom
Photo courtesy of A&E Ballroom
Photo courtesy of A&E Ballroom
Photo courtesy of A&E Ballroom
Photo courtesy of A&E Ballroom
MATTHEWS – A&E Ballroom of Matthews collected more than $1,000 worth of baby products for Bright Blessings' Bless-A-Baby program with a benefit ballroom dance.
Admission was one or more items from the nonprofits' wish list.
When owners Brigitte and Sebastian Wrenn learned about the program that helps newborns beginning life in shelters or other supportive housing, they knew the dance community would get behind a benefit dance.
"Our dancers are helping Bright Blessings fill blessing bags with basic necessities, feeding supplies, clothing, blankets and much more," Sebastian said. "Every baby deserves a positive start to life."
Crews Recreation Center supported the benefit dance.
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